Understand the Basic Idea of ​​Einstein’s Theory of Relativity in a Few Minutes

Robert Macků
4 min readOct 23, 2020
Photo by Patrick Brian from DeviantArt (adapted)

Today we will present the simplest possible interpretation of the essence of the special theory of relativity, namely the interpretation of time dilation. In a moment you will understand why time can slow down. There is no simpler interpretation of the theory of relativity.

For this simple interpretation, we need to understand how it is possible that the speed of light to the observer is still the same, even if we “stand” or follow the beam of light at tremendous speed.

For our interpretation, we will use an example in which the theory of relativity was understood by Einstein himself. It is important to say that Albert had already finished the equations of special theory of relativity, but for him it was essential to imagine the relativistic effects in a graphic way. Formulas aren’t everything, the main thing is understanding. Sometimes he went to think of special relativity at the station in Bern. He imagined the relativistic effects that would occur if trains moved at almost light speed. We have such a train simply drawn in the following picture.

